Join NCCDA on May 27th for our 2021 Spring Workshop. While we are disappointed we have not been able to hold our annual training event in person recently due to COVID, we are exited to announce a virtual event where we can come together "online"!
The agenda includes updates from our agency partners including NC Department of Commerce, HUD Greensboro and NC Housing Finance Agency. Attendees will be able to participate in an agency roundtable discussion and a special rural broadband access presentation will be made by Spectrum. A short Association annual business meeting will also be conducted to approve an important bylaws amendment.
Click here for for a copy of the Agenda
Log-on link information for the workshop will be sent to registrants by e-mail in advance of the event. Registrants will be asked to pick a breakout room for the agency roundtables. For agencies needing to pay by check, please make your payment out to: NCCDA, PO Box 3367, Durham NC 27702
North Carolina Community Development AssociationP. O. Box 1851, Wilson, NC 27894
© NCCDA, 2019